23 October 2024
At the first edition of our Virtual European Broadcaster and Adtech Summit (VEBA), we had the honour of welcoming globally-acclaimed researcher, Professor Karen Nelson-Field, as an exclusive guest speaker. Karen is the founder and CEO of the audience measurement company Amplified Intelligence and Professor of Media Innovation at the University of Adelaide. She is a prominent figure within the media and advertising industry and has seen her work featured in an array of international news outlets, including The New York Times, Forbes, and The Drum.
During her presentation — “Attention is what really matters”— at VEBA 2020, Karen provided fascinating insights into her company’s study, “Not all reach is equal”, and explored how attention significantly influences ad impact and, in turn, sales uplift. The study, which was carried out across a number of markets in collaboration with Screen Force, concluded that TV generates more attention and sales uplift than any other platform, regardless of the device used. In sum, the power of TV is most certainly enduring.
We’re thrilled to be able to share Karen’s entire session, packed with a series of compelling facts and data.
For further questions about VEBA, please contact: veba-team@smartclip.tv