How to ATV 1: TV Werbung für den Mittelstand

Von der Idee bis zur Buchung: Adressierbares Marketing im TV

Was ist eigentlich Addressable TV (ATV) und ist dieser Marketingkanal relevant für mein Marketing?

Wir gehen der Frage auf den Grund: Was bringt das eigentlich für den Mittelstand?

Besonders die Targeting-Optionen von ATV sind in der zielgruppengenauen Werbung wichtig, weil hier die Ausspielung geographisch begrenzt wird und Zielgruppen adressiert werden können, was sich über Addressable TV hervorragend umsetzen lässt.

Fabian Burgey

Fabian is the Director SME Business Europe and has been working with smartclip since June 2019. He helps smartclip’s international reseller and SME clients leverage Addressable TV and Online-Video Solutions.

Fabian Burgey
Director SME Business Europe

Sebastian Neumann

Sebastian Neumann
Director Demand Solutions Europe

Kathrin Müller

Kathrin has solid experience in building strategic partnerships with international and national media outlets throughout Europe. As an award-winning communication specialist, her expertise lies in strategizing the management of digital media companies in all aspects of press communication and public relations. This skill set has made her a key player in the image branding and the Europe-wide networking of smartclip. She has been heavily involved with smartclip since its inception in 2008.

Kathrin Müller
Executive Director Europe I PR & Communication