1 August 2024
Download The New Life of the Living Room.
In recent years, a combination of circumstances has transformed when, how, and where people consume video content. In 2020, the world was met with a pandemic that completely altered our lives — sending us into lockdowns, quarantines, and work-from-home situations. This inevitably fuelled an increase in media consumption on a global scale — particularly when it comes to home usage, as our living rooms became the epicentre of a whole new lifestyle.
In addition, more accessible technologies have led to booming adoption rates for smart, connected devices. A proliferation of screens, platforms, and content has created numerous touchpoints and scattered our attention far and wide. And new adtech solutions are giving brands more opportunities for targeted ad delivery than ever before.
There is no question that the viewing experience has undergone a rapid evolution that has potential implications for everyone involved in video advertising. So if we’re to continue to maximise our success in reaching and engaging with viewers, we need to know how this new viewing experience is unfolding in European households today.
That’s why we teamed up with RTL AdConnect to commission in-depth research — across ten European countries and with more than 8,500 participants — that will help us understand the impact these changes are having on viewers and their media consumption habits, particularly in regard to the ‘big screen’ in the living room.
Now, we can present the results in our new research paper The New Life of the Living Room, answering key questions on device usage, viewing behaviours, and attitudes to advertising, including:
Each question is looked at from a pan-European perspective as well as demographic- and country-specific perspectives, giving a unique insight into how the viewing experience is evolving across Europe. And we conclude by addressing the implications of the answers, translating the results into actionable opportunities that everyone in the advertising delivery chain can benefit from.
Whether you’re an advertiser, brand, publisher, adtech professional, distributor, manufacturer, or platform operator, The New Life of the Living Room is essential reading for anyone looking to harness the power of TV advertising. Download this vital new intelligence today.
If you would like a printed version of the report, contact marketing@smartclip.tv.