20 December 2024
From 9-10 June 2022, the annual Product Advisory Board (PAB) took place in Berlin, Germany. Much like the previous PAB events, a group of smartclip partners and industry experts from across Europe came together to share their expertise on various industry topics. This year’s turnout was impressive, with 60+ attendees from companies such as RTL AdConnect, Yospace, Amobee, Discovery, RAI, Atresmedia, TechAlliance, Ad Alliance, and M6 — just to name a few.
The first day served as an opportunity for various markets and companies in attendance to share updates on adtech business status, notable achievements, and industry challenges. After a few short welcome remarks given by Co-CEO Thomas Servatius, the day began in full swing with updates from Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and France. Following a short break, the programme resumed with more discussions on tech-powered Total Video advertising opportunities with updates from smartclip, TechAlliance, Yospace, and the brand new — RTL AdAlliance. After the day’s sessions, all attendees were treated to a relaxing boat ride dinner where they could mingle and network while cruising along the Spree River.
Day two followed a similar two-part structure. The morning’s sessions focused on measuring and automating advertising in TV, and featured presentations from Jens Pöppelmann the Co-CEO of SQL Service, Jörn Grunert the CEO at Exactag, Guillaume Belmas the CEO at Realytics, and Halvard Kristiansen the Managing Director smartclip Nordics. The second half of the day consisted of various breakout sessions hosted by adtech experts, which allowed attendees to deep dive into more specific industry topics. Finally, the event came to a close with a few short closing remarks from Dr Oliver Vesper and Thomas Servatius.
Thanks to the collaboration and hard work of its partners, this year’s PAB was a great success. We had a fantastic time driving these important conversations, and can’t wait for the next PAB, which will take place at the end of November in Madrid.
Have questions about the event? Please contact PAB@smartclip.tv